Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Princess Diaries, by Meg Cabot

Does 3 weeks count as soon?


You've seen the movie right? The Disney one with Anne Hathaway? Well even if you've seen the movie, this book is worth reading. There are some key differences between the two. You know how sometimes you read a book then see the movie and are ALWAYS disappointed? Or maybe you'll see the movie first and then read the book and are once again disappointed? Well I must say that this was the first time that I wasn't disappointed. I saw both movies years ago when they were first released and they're cute and fun. The book is cute and fun too, but a little more edgy (a really little because after all, the book was written for young girls.)

Mia Thermopolis is a high school freshman that just wants to blend in. She doesn't want to be really popular, or really dorky, just somewhere in the middle. Her parents have long been divorced, her father living in Europe. So when she finds out her father is actually a prince, and she a princess and heir to the throne of Genovia, she's embarrassed. At first she hides this from everyone but later learns to embrace it and find herself in the process. A slightly more glamorous than usual coming of age story. The book I read was a collection of the first three books - I think there are like 9 or something...and ends with Mia on her way to Genovia for the first time as princess.

In the book, Mia's father is still alive. He has just survived testicular cancer and cannot have any more children, so Mia officially becomes the heir. Also, the book takes place in New York City, which I think adds a fun element. One other major difference, Mia's mother is dating Mia's algebra teacher and quickly becomes pregnant, so there's that horror for Mia to deal with too. Also, I thought the grandmother in the book was much more of a horror than Julie Andrews was in the movie, but seriously, how can Julie help but be anything but charming? And remember that part in the movie where Mia forgets to show up for her best friend Lily's cable show? Well that doesn't happen in the books. At least not in the first three books. The conflict comes in when Lily finds out through other sources that Mia is a princess. Mia never can bring herself to tell Lily.

My favorite thing about this book was how frank Mia's character is (at least in her diary) which makes the book really funny. I found myself chuckling out loud a number of times. If Mia were a teenager in 2010 she'd have a princess blog and be the toast of blog town with at least 50 followers! :)

All in all, I'd say this was a fun, easy read. I would definitely recommend this one - although not to anyone under 11 or so (Mia talks a bit about making out and sex), but it was still pretty clean. Just not as squeaky as the Disney movie. If you do decide to read this one, make sure you have at least all three to begin with. I was totally shocked when the first book ended, it just didn't feel like an ending. I would have been TOTALLY disappointed if it had ended there.

So, if you're looking for a good, clean, easy and humorous read check this one out!

1 comment:

  1. yup, I saw the movie,but the book sounds really good. Thanks for the recommendation.
