Wednesday, January 26, 2011

King Bidgood's in the Bathtub

I spend the majority of my reading time reading to Grace and Noah, so why not review those books as well?

"Help! King Bidgood's in the bathtub and he won't get out! Oh who knows what to do?"

The King's entourage tries to lure him out with promises of battles, lunch, fishing, and a party, but the King won't budge! The King's young Page knows exactly what to do!

Another great book from Don and Audrey Wood (authors of such famous works as: Silly Sally, Piggies, The Napping House, and The Big Hungry Bear). I've read a few reviews on this one that call it an odd book. And my second-grade-teacher-mother (that's mother who teaches second grade) doesn't like it either. But we adore it at our house! The pictures are beautiful!!! BEAUTIFUL! The facial expressions illustrated on each page tell the story by themselves. And there is such detail in the pictures. The story is cute too. I love that it is a quick, easy to understand read. My 3 year old stays interested and understands what's going on (except I had to explain the words "battle" and "trout" to her). And she always reads the last page for us, "Glub. Glub. Glub." You'll love reading this one with your kiddoes!

1 comment:

  1. I just requested it from our library. Thanks for the tip. Oh, and I love that you're back to the blogging world, you have been missed greatly.
